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  • Do I need a home-charger?
    No, but it is highly recommended as it will significantly speed up your charging speed compared to using a 3-pin domestic socket.
  • How do I order a home-charger?
    Kia recommends 2 suppliers and you can order your home-charger direct from their websites.
  • What power of home-charger should I buy?
    We recommend a minimum of 7kW although most Kia EVs can charge at a higher rate than this. 22kW home-chargers are becoming available and will lower the time taken to charge your car.
  • What connector do Kia cars use?
    All Kia cars use a Type 2 Mennekes plug to connect the cable to the car for slow and fast AC charging, which is the most popular connector type in the UK and Europe. For rapid DC charging this is expanded on the same port to a CCS-2 plug. .
  • What is a "smart" home-charger?
    From 30th June 2022 the government introduced legislation that meant only "smart" chargers can be fitted at your home. Smart chargers have several additional features, such as the ability to set times when the charger delivers power which is very helpful if you wish to enjoy the benefit of off-peak power and therefore lower cost electric rates. You must have a suitable electricity plan to benefit from this feature. More information can be found here.
  • Where can I charge an EV?
    Most people will mainly charge their cars at home or at work. However, for longer journeys or if you do not have the ability to charge at home then you can use the extensive network of chargers located at motorway service stops, fuel stations, supermarkets, car parks, hotels and many other places. To see how many charge points are available check out the Zap Map website.
  • Do I have to set-up a charging account?
    No, you don't have to, especially if you only need to charge at home. We do, however, recommend that you join Kia MyCharge which gives you the ability to quickly and simply connect to the majority of public chargers in the UK and across Europe. With 2 great plans available you have the choice to pay-as-you-go or to subscribe to a monthly plan, whichever suits your needs the best.
  • How far can I go on a full charge?
    This will depend on lots of factors including battery size, tyre size, aerodynamics, your driving style, journey type, even the outside air temperature? Kia cars have officially tested ranges of between 280 and 328 miles for a full charge but these should be treated as a theoretical maximums as often the real-world distance will be lower.
  • What does kWh mean?
    kWh stands for kilo Watts per hour and usually refers to the size of the battery pack fitted. The capacity of the battery may also be quoted in Amp hours (Ah). kW, which stands for kilo Watt, however, is usually used to indicate the maximum charging rate of the battery pack. As a general rule the bigger the battery pack the further the car can travel on a charge and the higher the charge rate then the quicker the battery can be charged back up. kW is also occasionally used to refer to the power output of the electric motor that drives the wheels rather than the traditional measure of bhp (brake horse power). For instance, 150kW is equivalent to 201bhp.
  • Should I buy a hybrid or a fully electric car?
    This depends on your circumstance and you will need to consider many things such as, how often do you use your car, how far is your usual journey, do you need to tow, do you have access to a charger at home or at work and how much do you wish to spend. We advise that you speak to a Sales Advisor who will be able to guide you to the best decision for you.
  • Does the weather affect the range?
    Yes, the distance you can travel on a charge will drop if you use the climate control system, just as it does on a traditional petrol or diesel-engined car. Cooling the car takes a lot less energy than heating an EV but as there are no government tests the actual difference is not known. Some studies seem to show that cooling a car might reduce the range by 1% - 5% whilst heating an EV might be between a 7% - 20% reduction. Some Kia cars are fitted with a Heat Pump and these cars are more efficient in colder temperatures and will therefore travel further than those fitted with a conventional heating system. Studies and comparisons
  • How often does an EV need to be serviced?
    This varies by model but we recommend for most owners to have their car inspected once every year or every 10,000 miles, whichever is sooner. Regular inspection and maintenance will ensure the safe operation of a vehicle and maintain the manufacturer warranty cover in full.
  • Is an EV car more expensive to maintain?
    No, in fact due to the lower number of moving parts fully electric cars cost less to maintain than an equivalent sized petrol or diesel car. With no engine oil or filter, spark plugs or clutch plates to replace service time is lower meaning labour charges are reduced. Electric cars also feature Brake Energy Regeneration which means much less wear on brake pads and brake discs which subsequently last longer.
  • How much does it cost to service an EV?
    Service costs will vary between models and can be dependent on how many miles you cover per year. We recommend taking out a fixed price service plan which is available on all Kia cars up until their 8th birthday.
  • Where can I get an EV car serviced?
    All of our technicians are specially trained to service and repair our range of electric cars so you can be confident that your vehicle is maintained safely. We can offer other services such as "collection and delivery" or "courtesy cars" on request, subject to availability.
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